Marius H. Visser
Fantasy Author

Do you want to become part of my ARC Team and be the first to receive my new novels?
Add your details below to be considered to receive ARCs of Marius H. Visser's new releases.
What is an ARC? It’s an Advance Reader Copy of a soon-to-be-released book. It may contain a few small errors as it is a galley copy, meaning the manuscript has been fully-edited and proof-read, but may still contain a few missed errors that will be corrected before publication
What we require from you.
1) ARC members will receive a free copy of Marius H. Visser's latest book when it becomes available (which is usually three to four weeks before the release date). As an ARC member, you must know how to open/use either a Mobi or ePub file (we’ll send directions and links). The books will not be available as a PDF.
2)If you'd like to read the book and feel you'll be able to read and review it by the deadline, fill out the form to request your ARC. You'll then be able to download your book from Bookfunnel, the service we use to deliver ebooks when it becomes available. Then you'll read and review the book. Your review can be as simple or elaborate as you like, but we do ask that you not reveal any spoilers.
3)Per Amazon's terms, as part of your review, you'll include the words, "I voluntarily reviewed an ARC copy of the book." (Or something similar.)
4) You must also be able to commit to leaving an honest review within four days of the book’s release date provided in the email even if you didn't like the book. Hey, it happens, but your honest review could help other readers know what they are getting themselves into.
5) When you’re finished reading and reviewing, you need to forward a copy of your review to author@mariushvisser.com so that he can verify your participation. The rating you give the book will have no bearing on your ARC Team status.
Please read the "What we require from you" section. If you are positive that you can commit to being a member of the ARC Team, fill out the provided form.